We are always busy with commercial business inspections which are challenging and often unusual. The commercial properties are all so different, large multi unit apartment buildings, offices, movie multiplex theaters, schools, car wash, an animal shelter, convenience stores, strip malls, motels, warehouses, drive thru liquor stores, medical offices, so varied and of course numerous restaurants.
When we turned on the window sign in a Chinese restaurant to check it, a customer came in asking for a to go order!
We are often asked “what are we looking for?” And to be honest it is not always what we are looking for, but what we find or worse still, what we don’t find and should have been there!
In this Chinese restaurant there were two heating systems, way bigger than needed which means that a lot of energy is been wasted. The explanation was above the ceiling tiles. The building was not insulated, in flat roof buildings the underneath of the roof is where the insulation would normally be installed. This lack of insulation was making it very difficult and costly to heat and cool the structure.
A lot of the wiring that had been added over a twenty year period was not in conduit, which is acceptable in a house and not permitted for commercial installations.
We never know what we will find when we inspect, we just love what we do and try to do the best job possible for our clients.
All the inspections are performed to the same standards and format
used for our home inspections and attention to detail.
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