Water softener drain pipe connections are a constant issue that we observe and write up. The backwash drain pipe from the softener must have a back-flow prevention device when it is terminates at a drain, in other words there must be an air gap between the end of the pipe and the top of the drain.
(In the first photo the black pipe goes into the drain) when this is pointed out clients and home owners often feel it is overkill.
The second photo which we took north of Englewood recently, shows the gray pipe going into the drain and if you look closely at the top of the pipe you will see that it is caked with toilet paper and dried feces that has backed up from the sewer.
There was the potential of cross contamination where the drinking water in the home would be affected by the sewage.
Cross contamination (which is sewage or other non potable water getting into drinking water by mistake) is very dangerous and can infect the drinking water of the home and possible adjacent properties, making occupants very sick..
As Home inspectors we are always looking out for you, for your best interests, your family’s health and safety.
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