The steel I-beam supported by a standard steel post supports all the weight of the house, all the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms as well as the roofing system and shingles.
This home built in the mid 80’s has been bought and sold numerous times without anyone taking a closer look at the baling twine.
The post is secured to a 2×4 with a double length of baling twine which is no match for the weight of the house even with the help of the smiley face sticker!
The I-Beam balances on the post which is not secured to the concrete floor or to the beam as required for all new builds. This house was close to the path of a recent tornado that affected hundreds of homes in our area and could have collapsed if it had been rattled by heavy winds. All posts must be sunk in the concrete floor or bolted to it and the top must be secured to the beam with bolts or be welded to the beam.
Thank goodness for that string and the smiley face that have endeavored to protect this home since it was built.
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