Inspecting an older home there was a stamp on most of the floor joists visible in the basement. It was hard to make out what it said, most of the stamps were all faded or blurred and illegible which made me more curious. It was obviously something to do with Xenia, but what?
It turns out that there was a lumber yard there in the 1940’s, The McDonald & Torrence Lumber Company, visible in the center of the stamp was their motto “We serve to sell again”
The only mention I could find about this lumber yard was for September 23, 1947 they applied to the U.S. patent office for a patent: Air conditioning a building passing air through hollow blocks.
Inspecting older homes is always fun when you find something unusual, something that makes you go to the internet and try to find out about it, the history, the invention, so much was invented and happened in our area over the last 100 years!
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