If defects in a new home are not found before it is purchased from the builder, they become the problem of the new owners after they moved into their new home. Making repairs can be very disruptive for all the family as they have to live with drywall dust on their furnishing and possessions as contractors cut open walls or floors to make the necessary repairs.
Worse yet, is if the defects are not found during the first year warranty period. Then two or three years later the house, that is no longer under the builders one year warranty, is up for sale. Contracts are exchanged and the buyers home inspector doing due diligence discovers numerous defects. Some may be minor but others become issues that may be as simple as adding insulation or as difficult and costly as re-routing a furnace or water heater flue pipe.
Repairs at this stage all fall on the homeowner to make at their expense. This may sound unfair but builders warranties are short and sweet!
The pre-purchase inspection for a purchaser of a new construction home, discovered that only one, of the two attics had been insulated. They were able to go back to the builder, who was able to get contractors in to address the issue before they bought the house!
This saved the buyers years of high utility bills and uncomfortable conditions in the home, and particularly in the bedrooms.
With all the inspections the county building inspector is supposed to do, the energy star rating the house received (which could not have been correct), the inspections the builders performed…..
You might ask yourself who was looking out for your best interests?
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