In Feb 1999 we were on our way to the convention center in Atlanta. As my wife’s family was moving into a new house just outside Salisbury NC, we decided to stop by. When we arrived the movers were just finishing. My brother in law (known to everyone as Buzz), was all excited about their new home and had to walk me all around it. He was so proud, showing me the front of the house, then walking to the rear, my eye noticed the roof, the shingles were curled up and were in need of replacement, the walkway was no longer level and sloped towards the house.
Around back, the view was beautiful and the house had one of those huge “big A shaped windows” the type that goes way up. Look at that “Bro” he said looking at the house, all I could see was that the glass seal had failed on the huge triangles of glass. Around to the garage and he is excited as we enter his “soon to be” workshop, “look at this space”! I notice that the movers had put all the boxes containing his tools on the floor, which is stained with red clay. I just had to ask the question:
“Buzz”, did you not get this house Inspected?
Sure did, all good…he said, there’s Nooo problems Bro!

Really, How much did you pay?
A bunch a Smackeroos
Wow too much!
Dumb founded I replied back: Your roof is shot, those Chinese pagoda style shingles are shingles that should have been replaced years ago, The big custom window in the rear, there is moisture between the glass, the seals have failed and will be really expensive to repair. (Nooo way, the Inspector said “I could wipe that off”, sorry Buzz!)
See the staining on the floor and look back into the crawl space at the channels in the red clay, that’s the water from your sloped walkway coming into your crawl space, which in turn soaks this area you want as a work shop. We better get your tools off the floor!
The next day as we drove on to Atlanta we chatted in the car and could not believe that their Inspector could have been so bad at his Job. We felt that I could have done a better job with no training, and with my background in rehabbing, decided that being a Home Inspector would be my perfect job. Could I do any worse than the home inspection our brother in law got for his house?
I really enjoyed working on houses, needed to quit the job I loved, because it involved a lot of travel and our daughter was starting kindergarten.
I was afraid I would miss so much of her growing years.
By that evening after a long phone call with a Home Inspection school in Atlanta, the American Inspectors Society, I was signed up for a classes starting the first week in March. The rest is history as they say.
On the first day of May, we opened for business. Our first Inspection was a call from Trudy Jones of Keyes Gateway Realtors in Xenia and from there business took off. In June we got a billboard on 35 west of Fairfield rd. which announced our arrival and within days the phone was ringing.
We are still going, still Inspecting, still enjoy doing what I do every day.
I work every day with a great of people, colleagues, clients and Realtors.
Every Inspection is my opportunity to help someone and I love that about my job.