Selling your Home? Don’t be Blindsided.
Don’t find out about problems when it’s too late to repair them on your own. The time to get a detailed pre-listing home inspection is before your property goes up for sale. Sell your home without the worry of what your buyers may find and most importantly you will know the condition of what you are selling. The Certified Inspection report is a valuable sales tool that you will be able to show to your prospective purchasers that the home they are buying is in tip top condition.
What is the advantage as a seller?
“Why do we need a Home Inspection when we are planning to sell our house?”
“What would we need to know about our own home?”
The reasons for a pre-listing home inspection are numerous and definitely to a seller’s advantage. It is a fact in the real estate industry that having a pre-listing inspection of your home, increases the chances of making a quick sale, getting a better selling price and reduces stress levels caused due to unforeseen problems.
The pre-listing inspection gives you an invaluable tool that can be used to promote your home to prospective buyers.
The detailed inspection report can be displayed along with the sales literature, showing all the positive features of your house as well as the areas identified by the Inspector as needing attention and notations letting the purchasers know what repairs you have made. You will be viewed as a proactive seller by your buyers when you include the report with a list of your completed repairs, giving your buyers a feeling of confidence and security.
With a pre-sale home inspection you are letting the prospective buyers know that you want them to have the house in the best possible condition. You also have the opportunity to remedy any problems before the house is listed.
Above all, you want to avoid the situation where a prospective buyer makes a significantly lower counter-offer after they’ve had their home inspection and discovered issues that could have been repaired and remedied in advance.
Think of a pre-listing inspection as a worth while investment, helping you get top dollar for your home!