Apartment complexes, condominiums and duplexes are regularly Inspected by our team of professionals.
Buildings with up to four units are treated much the same as a house, with every item and aspect of the structure and interior meticulously Inspected. We go by ASHI standards which consider up to four units to be residential.
Larger buildings or properties are often Inspected on a need to know basis. This approach reduces the cost of the Inspection and still gives our client the information they need to make an informed decision.
We can inspect a duplex, low rise, high rise, or whole complex with numerous buildings. The number of units or the scope of the Inspection is all within our capabilities and expertise.
Larger buildings or properties pose different challenges and the cost of Inspecting every unit can be a factor. We can inspect every unit or do a random sampling which can be a substantial cost savings to you, its your choice.
The sampling method works well. Results tend to be as effective as the unit by unit approach when Inspecting larger apartment buildings or complexes. The Inspector inspects all the exterior components, siding roof, and foundation in detail.
The Inspector then randomly chooses between ten and twenty percent of the units in the building to inspect thoroughly, some first floor, middle floors and top floor. The Inspection findings are then extrapolated to determine the overall quality and condition of the property.