A Learning Experience
This is your opportunity to gather information about one of the most important and expensive financial decisions you will make during your lifetime. The time spent at your Inspection is an invaluable learning experience.
This is your only opportunity to learn about the house that will be your home. You may have viewed it once or twice with your Realtor, but chances are that you did not have the time or the expertise to determine and comprehend the true condition of the property.

Everything you learn about the house through your Home Inspection is knowledge that can be used by and to your advantage, and will aid you in successfully negotiating the purchase. Our Home Inspection is designed to give you immediate, current information about the property so that you are a well-informed home buyer.
The Detail Makes Us Different
You will appreciate the detailed yet simple to follow electronic report, complete with pictures, emailed to you at the end of your Inspection. There is no waiting for the report to arrive a day later. Your house will be Inspected thoroughly from top to bottom, inside and out, one room at a time.
You may be surprised at just how much we inspect, not to mention the detail.
Take our “walk through” Inspection further down this page.
The following components will all be inspected:
- Air Conditioning system and its components
- Attic, insulation, ventilation
- Built in kitchen appliances, counter tops and cabinets
- Heating systems and its components
- Safety items, stairs, smoke detectors, railings
- Driveway, Garage
- Electrical system and it’s components
- Exterior siding, windows and doors
- Fireplace, smoke chamber and chimney
- Foundation, Basement, Crawl space
- Grading
- Porch, Patio, Deck
- Roof, Flashing, Gutters, down spouts
- Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Doors, Closets
Some Home Inspectors believe that random testing of receptacles, windows etc is adequate (it meets the national Home Inspection standards). We do not think this good enough for you. If it is at all possible for us to inspect it or test it we will. We are detailed and feel that random testing can all too easily miss a major problem and that will not be in your best interest.
To find out more, take our “Walk Through” Home Inspection.
Tools of The Trade
We arrive fully equipped to do the best possible Inspection for you. Along with the “extend-able ladder and flashlight” our tool bag has numerous other tools. Voltage testers, circuit testers, wiring analyzer, receptacle tester, pressure and flow meters, carbon monoxide and gas detectors, leak detector “soap”, invasive and non invasive moisture meters, smoke alarm tester, water softener test kit, hoses, water and gas keys, high power binoculars, coveralls and hard hat!
(Note: not all these tools will necessarily be used during every inspection)
Standard for Inspecting
We strive to meet or exceed the Inspection standards set by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and their standards of practice in an effort to give you the most detailed report.