———- Forwarded message ——— From: David Roche <roche.dr@gmail.com> Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 7:12 AM Subject: Thermostat Placement Is Crucial To: BLOG <3y3r51n5p3ct10n@gmail.com>
A badly placed thermostat plays havoc with the heating and cooling of a house. In this case the wall light creates a warm zone beside the thermostat causing it to register hotter than the rest of the house. This means that it reaches what it registers as the set temperature shutting the furnace down before everyone feels warm and comfortable. The thermostat should not be in direct sunlight or in the direct flow of the air vents, bathrooms or kitchens are a poor choice due to warmer temperatures from hair dryers, baths and showers. Ideal locations are in a central location close to an air return. In the house where this thermostat was located the bedrooms were still cool when the heat cut off with the thermostat set at seventy..