Aluminum siding can be successfully painted using a good quality latex paint.
The siding must be cleaned using a pressure washer prior to painting.
To insure that the paint adheres properly to the aluminum, a bonding additive must be mixed to the primer coat.
Applying paint without a bonding agent will result in the paint peeling within a short period of time.
Flood “EB Emulsa Bond” is a good bonding agent, available in most paint stores.
Some paint manufacturers have special paint for painting aluminum siding. This is not necessary if a bonding agent is used.
Aluminum can be painted with a brush, and the result is very acceptable. For the best results, a spray gun is recommended.
Because aluminum is not porous it will not absorb paint, which means that you will not use as much paint as you would if it were a wood surface.
Care must be used if spray painting to avoid over spray. Do not spray paint if there is a breeze.
NOTE: If the aluminum siding is not in perfect condition use a matte or flat paint. Gloss paint will highlight any imperfections in the siding.