Extreme care should be used when remodeling around lead paint.
The area being worked on should be sealed off from the rest of the building.
A respirator with a lead dust filter should (must) be worn.
Carpets should be removed or covered with plastic that is taped down.
Air vents should be taped over.
A shop-vac with a bag in the unit should be used to vacuum at the end of the job.
Replace the filter after washing out the vac and running it outside to eliminate any lead dust.
Do not use your house vacuum cleaner, it could become contaminated.
Do not use a dry scraper, belt sander, propane torch, or heat gun to remove lead-based paint.
These tools create large amounts of lead dust and fumes.
Lead dust can remain in the home long after the work has been completed.
To find out what safety measures you should use call the EPA at 1-800-424-LEAD.
Ask for their brochure, “Reducing lead hazards when remodeling your home”. (Read it)
This brochure explains what to do before, during, and after renovations.